Everybody’s got their list of ‘can’t-leave-home-without’ and ‘mustn’t-forget-to-pack.’ There are videos detailing items and curated catalogs to download and share. But my requirements over the years have been a bit harder to put into categories and neatly check-off.
Change. It’s the way of the universe. And, it’s almost a guarantee akin to death and taxes that something will not go according to plan while traveling. For those moments when the world conspires against my schedule, I panic, stress, and complain before realizing I can draw upon my powers of adaptability. “Pause. Breathe. Take a step to recalculate,” I remind myself, “you’re becoming a new you.” I rely on foresight, my organizational skills, and a good sense of humor to see me through to the other side.
To see things differently. To learn about possibilities. To suspend judgement while contemplating other experiences, emotions, meanings outside my own. This is why I have loved traveling in the first place. After many destinations, however, it’s not uncommon to get jaded. To think: if you’ve seen one mountain you’ve seen them all. At each unknown disembarkation, and even while strolling the well-known streets of my home, I like to practice paying attention. It’s being alive to the oft-overlooked detail that rekindles my sense of wonder and delight. What does this singular painted leaf upon the doorsill signify? Who planted the forgotten orchard? How did they get so many miniature tiles to align? It’s an endless library of marvels.
Acknowledging that I am a tourist, that I have privileges not available to locals. And with such power comes the responsibility of reciprocity. Travel shouldn’t only be a transaction: exchange of money for goods and services. There is always equally an exchange between the person I am and the residents who I interact with. They are not servants, catering to the whims and desires of visitors. They are not on exhibit for their newness, their traditions. How I move in an unfamiliar landscape impacts the environment. I do my best to keep this at the forefront of my thinking.
Travel is one of the best stimuli for personal expression. It’s impossible for me to be imaginative when I’m following a prescriptive, though. Geographies can only carry meaning for us if we bring our own passions and curiosities to it. To check off a box dictated by others’ perceptions of value is unfulfilling. In order for a place to open up to me its nuances, in order to develop even a small depth of relationship with a new destination, I choose to dive deeper. Get off the beaten path. Step into the crafter’s establishment. Support local incomes.
I’m easily fooled into thinking that there’s a limitless supply of everything in life except for time. But, just as our harassed lives leave small room for joy and pleasure, just as my luggage isn’t able to carry everything I’d love to bring, there is also the natural world’s carrying capacity. I’m trying to accept that maybe I don’t have to have gone everywhere and experienced everything and be all to everyone in order to lead a fulfilled life.
Thank you for listening. I’d love to know in the comments what your travel essentials are. “Bare Necessities” was written and narrated by Atreyee Gupta. For more details, head to the website at www.bespoketraveler.com.
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